After upgrading to the latest CLI, each `pulumi up...
# general
After upgrading to the latest CLI, each
pulumi up
began showing this diff:
Copy code
~ kubernetes:policy/v1beta1:PodSecurityPolicy: (update)
  ~ spec: {
      + hostIPC               : false
      + hostNetwork           : false
      + hostPID               : false
      + privileged            : false
      + readOnlyRootFilesystem: false
~ kubernetes:policy/v1beta1:PodSecurityPolicy: (update)
  ~ spec: {
      + hostIPC               : false
      + hostNetwork           : false
      + hostPID               : false
      + privileged            : false
      + readOnlyRootFilesystem: false
Any idea how to get rid of those diffs (and the redundant updates it triggers)?
@incalculable-diamond-5088 this will be fixed soon.
this is probably the spurious diff bug.
@creamy-potato-29402 Thanks for the response! Is there any ETA on that? Or does switching to an older
fix this bug?
Same here 😞
@incalculable-diamond-5088 @plain-businessperson-30883 switch back to an older version for now. cc @microscopic-florist-22719
👍 1
we’re hoping to land it tomorrow.
❤️ 2
@white-balloon-205 I meant to write it here. See the diff above