Anyone have any idea why a k8s secret containing a...
# general
Anyone have any idea why a k8s secret containing a GCP ServiceAccount’s credentials would constantly be replaced every time? Pulumi detects it as being empty every time
is run.
Once I upgraded the provider, I started getting another error unfortunately:
error: Failed to check for changes in resource sellercenter-shopify-app-ls7jmimu/sellercenter-shopify-app-v46sn5kv because of an error computing the JSON patch describing the resource changes: Internal error occurred: admission webhook "<|>" does not support dry run
So whatever changes were done are making a critical BC break I think
We’re working on a fix.
Is this a known issue I should track on GH?
Also thanks for working on a fix.
@cool-egg-852 can you please try development version
that seems like it should fix that. cc @gorgeous-egg-16927
Doesn’t seem to have fixed it
I’ve seem some more work on that PR. Is there another version you’d like me to try?
@cool-egg-852 Would you be able to open an issue with a repro? I think the error you saw may be a different issue.
Reproducing it is not easy given the requirements I believe. I can see if I can make something that reproduces it. I have no problem opening a new issue though.
🙏 1
I’ll see what I can do about reproducing it tomorrow though. The cause is definitely caused by changes in 0.25.3 though.
My guess is that the new dry-run support doesn’t consider mutating webhook controllers that don’t support dry-run.
I’m guessing the cluster has the feature enabled, and thus it’s trying to use the new logic
I’m not entirely familiar with the feature, but I think the error needs to be caught and then fallback to the old diffing logic.
I’ve filed so they can add support for it in the future, but obviously pulumi shouldn’t fail because of this.
We’re in the process of adding an opt-in feature flag for the diff changes, and will be defaulting back to the previous behavior ASAP
Ok cool. I won’t upgrade the provider until the. Looking forward to the fix though for the secrets and such that I started this thread for. Hope to see the change soon. Thanks for all the hard work!
g was just released. thanks for your patience!
thanks for the update. You guys are awesome.