I'm using pulumi to create aws cognito user pool a...
# general
I'm using pulumi to create aws cognito user pool and associate it with lambda trigger. But every time the lambda function update, it'll re-create cognito user pool and all users store in it will gone. Does anyone knows how to fix it ?
Hi @astonishing-finland-20071 Can you tell me if this is the same issue https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-aws/issues/678
Well, not exactly same. My lambda trigger is post confirmation trigger. It can execute successfully but it just cause pulumi to replace user pool every time. It's more like this issue https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/issues/2759
After some tests, I found it's not related to lambda triggers. It's about cognito user attributes. Even they're not changed, it still trigger pulumi to replace user pool.
If this is a separate issue can you open an issue in Pulumi-aws repo with some recreation steps?
Hello is there a fix for this i notices the same issue when using python. when adding user attributes. I did specify string_attribute_constraints. There is a similar terraform issue https://github.com/terraform-providers/terraform-provider-aws/issues/3891