The graph view on the Pulumi platform is nice, but...
# general
The graph view on the Pulumi platform is nice, but the Pulumi component view is not what I am (mainly) interested in: I would like to know the dependencies between the individual resources, with only the Pulumi components as a bounding box around the set of resources it contains. As an example, I drew part of an
component resource. The outer box is the
, the nested boxes are (left-to-right) an
and 2
components. But the arrows show the dependency over all the individual resources.
So rather than show what resources are related, you want to know how they are related?
I think that would be a useful addition to the view
With the ability to collapse down individual componentresources
👍🏼 1
This is something @microscopic-florist-22719 has been passionate about having also. Note that you can generate a DOT file using the
pulumi stack graph
CLI command which allows you to choose between dependency and parent edges, as well as control coloring, etc. In the absence of support in the service, do you think this would do the trick?
Yes - it is very much the plan to show dependency relationships in this view! Being able to show both dependencies and component relationships in a single view (with collapsible components) gives really interesting insights into relationships between resources in a larger project.
💯 2