Why is the wrong cluster not deleted first?
# general
Why is the wrong cluster not deleted first?
Pulumi does create-before-replace by default, to reduce downtime. You can opt in to
deleteBeforeReplace: true
if you want replacements to delete first (increasing downtime, but allowing you to use the same id for the two resources). This is in general only a problem if you manually force the name of the resource to a specific value instead of relying on Pulumi's auto-naming (which would ensure the original and replacement don't conflict). We are considering having explicit naming automatically change
to ease this process in the common case in https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-terraform/issues/383.
👍🏼 1
I was used to name my resources in Terraform myself. Was it a design decision not to do this in Pulumi?
Creating before replacing by default ensures much better uptime for infrastructure - especially for more "modern" infrastructure. To get good uptime in Terraform you have to sprinkle your config with
. The fact that this is the default in Pulumi ensures that you get effectively mini-blue/green deployments on every update. And in case something does fail - you are not in a state of your infrastructure being fundamentally broken (also the norm in Terraform deployments).
@white-balloon-205 how does this relate to the
attribute that came into the picture on TF resources?
Similarly - in Pulumi something like
is the default for all resources. Pulumi makes the
property optional on ~all resources, and automatically generates a name seeded from the Pulumi resource name with a random suffix. This accomplishes a similar goal as
, but again uses the safer approach as the default and applies this to everythign instead of only a handful of resources. More on this here: https://www.pulumi.com/docs/reference/programming-model/#autonaming