typescript drives me crazy :confused: what does it...
# general
typescript drives me crazy 😕 what does it want??
Copy code
config/gke01-london.ts:6:9 - error TS2322: Type '{ machineType: string; preemptible: boolean; }' is not assignable to type '"nodeConfig"'.

6         nodeConfig: {

    312     readonly nodeConfig?: pulumi.Input<{
    The expected type comes from property 'nodeConfig' which is declared here on type 'NodePoolConfigArgs'
all I wanted is to check that provided config matches NodePoolArgs. Everything in
is optional, yet even
cannot be assigned to it.
think u probably missing some non optional args and need to define every property from nodeConfig that doesn't have a
after it's name
✔️ 1
Can you share your code?