hey all, I’m trying to adopt an existing AWS Cloud...
# general
hey all, I’m trying to adopt an existing AWS CloudFormation Stack resource into Pulumi, along the lines of https://www.pulumi.com/blog/adopting-existing-cloud-resources-into-pulumi/ - I wasn’t sure what ID I should use. I started with the
ID from the AWS console but that gives me a “resource does not exist” error. is there a different ID I should be using? how can I find this?
I believe you can just use the
of the cloud formation stack.
If you have any existing pulumi-defined resoures, you can run
pulumi stack export >> dump.txt
and study the
properties in there. AWS IDs are simple names as far as I can tell.
yeah this particular resource (our Buildkite CloudFormation stack) was created manually, and I’m trying to get it under Pulumi management—however both the name of the existing stack and the
don’t seem to work
Interesting... Create another temporary resource like this and check its id?
oh good idea i’ll try that out
for future reference, the issue here was that I wasn’t explicitly specifying a provider, and my existing CF stacks were in another AWS region 🤦‍♂️ that said, it’s kind of tricky to get the CF template YAML to perfectly match the existing, manually-created CF stacks, so I’m just going the route of recreating them in Pulumi and deprecating our previous CF stacks
t’s kind of tricky to get the CF template YAML to perfectly match the existing, manually-created CF stacks
Note that
might help here = depending on what your goal was in trying to import these into Pulumi in the first place.