Checked the FAQs, troubleshooting, docs and search...
# general
Checked the FAQs, troubleshooting, docs and searched errors on this slack channel for the following issue: Running through the quick start aws-typescript and the first time I run
pulumi up
i get the following in my debug output:
Copy code
  aws:s3:Bucket (my-bucket):
    error: error validating provider credentials: error calling sts:GetCallerIdentity: NoCredentialProviders: no valid providers in chain. Deprecated.
        For verbose messaging see aws.Config.CredentialsChainVerboseErrors
  pulumi:pulumi:Stack (pulu-dev):
    debug: Registering resource: t=pulumi:pulumi:Stack, name=pulu-dev, custom=false
    debug: RegisterResource RPC prepared: t=pulumi:pulumi:Stack, name=pulu-dev
    debug: RegisterResource RPC finished: resource:pulu-dev[pulumi:pulumi:Stack]; err: null, resp: urn:pulumi:dev::pulu::pulumi:pulumi:Stack::pulu-dev,,,,
    debug: Running program '/Users/leif/Sites/pulu' in pwd '/Users/leif/Sites/pulu' w/ args: 
    debug: Registering resource: t=aws:s3/bucket:Bucket, name=my-bucket, custom=true
    debug: RegisterResource RPC prepared: t=aws:s3/bucket:Bucket, name=my-bucket
    debug: Setting AWS metadata API timeout to 100ms
    debug: Ignoring AWS metadata API endpoint at default location as it doesn't return any instance-id
    debug: No assume_role block read from configuration
    debug: Building AWS auth structure
    debug: Setting AWS metadata API timeout to 100ms
    debug: Ignoring AWS metadata API endpoint at default location as it doesn't return any instance-id
    debug: AWS Auth using Profile: "carpedalan"
    debug: Trying to get account information via sts:GetCallerIdentity
How have you provided your AWS credentials?
yea, i have run both
pulumi config set aws:profile the-profile
AWS_PROFILE=the-profile pulumi up
and neither work
i have
installed with an
file with several profiles fwiw
oh interesting. it defaulted to use the value in
, so this was pointing to the wrong profile that didn’t have permissions to create a bucket.
it defaulted to use the value in
, so this was pointing to the wrong profile that didn’t have permissions to create a bucket.
It should shouldn’t “default” to a specific stack as far as I know. It might be that that was the last stack you used? I believe if you run
pulumi stack select <stack name>
it should change the active stack. You can see the active stack by running
pulumi stack ls
in the directory where your stack config files are, and you should see a
next to the currently selected one. EDIT: Sorry. I had a typo in my message above. I actually meant to type, it shouldn’t default to a specific stack.
Were you passing the
flag to your
pulumi up
command previously? If so, that wouldn’t change the active stack, just runs the command with that stack’s config, as though it were the active stack.
i did not use the
flag, this was my first attempt using the getting started workflow.
What was set in your
the wrong AWS profile that did not have the correct permissions to execute