I am building Elastic Beanstalk environments...eve...
# general
I am building Elastic Beanstalk environments...every time I run pulumi, even if I don't change anything with the environment settings, pulumi updates the environments...any particular reason why?
The result of this is that if you have a lot (I'm not sure of the exact number, I have 22 EB stacks), you get "AWS:ElasticBeanstalkErrorsThrottling Rate exceeded" errors
I assume this happens because even after the environments are successfully created, pulumi is seeing a difference in the settings and attempting to update all 22
The "info" column for all the resources show [diff: ~settings] when running pulumi up
If you ask for the detailed diff - what does it show? (It should show which properties in particular are changing)
ah...i will look at that
@white-balloon-205 it's changing the order
the settings inside of the settings array are changing order
This sounds like it may be related to https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-terraform/issues/495. Could you add details of your scenario there?
yup...looks like the same issue
ok will do