hi there o/ I see pulumi scripts need to be invoke...
# general
hi there o/ I see pulumi scripts need to be invoked using a custom runtime, "pulumi". I would be interested in using pulumi as a library, from a custom k8s operator. Is this possible somehow - for example if I run the engine in a separate k8s pod?
Hi, we don’t have an SDK option as of this time - it’s CLI only I’m afraid
Note that you can programmatically shell out to
and there are
flags on many cli commands to produce programmatically readable output. Many users are doing this today to “use Pulumi as a library” in programmatic workflows.
that seemed to be the case, but from the docs I couldnt completely grasp why 🙂 it d be awesome to be able to generate that JSON from a SDK and then just send that to the runtime... some day! Thanks a lot for the replies 👍