``` Diagnostics: pulumi:pulumi:Stack (cert-manag...
# general
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  pulumi:pulumi:Stack (cert-manager-development):
    error: Error: Command failed: helm fetch jetstack/cert-manager --untar --version v0.10.1 --destination /var/folders/dn/t652qw8j7g5378d66qqng_dh0000gn/T/tmp-10896ZtroXrGxEMe2 --repo https\://charts.jetstack.io
    Error: chart "jetstack/cert-manager" version "v0.10.1" not found in <https://charts.jetstack.io> repository

    Error: chart "jetstack/cert-manager" version "v0.10.1" not found in <https://charts.jetstack.io> repository
    Error: Error: Command failed: helm fetch jetstack/cert-manager --untar --version v0.10.1 --destination /var/folders/dn/t652qw8j7g5378d66qqng_dh0000gn/T/tmp-10896ZtroXrGxEMe2 --repo https\://charts.jetstack.io
    Error: chart "jetstack/cert-manager" version "v0.10.1" not found in <https://charts.jetstack.io> repository
        at /Users/harrison/code/linio/infrastructure/node_modules/@pulumi/kubernetes/helm/v2/helm.js:112:23
        at OutputImpl.<anonymous> (/Users/harrison/code/linio/infrastructure/node_modules/@pulumi/pulumi/output.js:110:47)
        at Generator.next (<anonymous>)
        at fulfilled (/Users/harrison/code/linio/infrastructure/node_modules/@pulumi/pulumi/output.js:18:58)
Any ideas on why this happens?
It makes no sense because if I
helm repo add jetstack <https://charts.jetstack.io>
and then
helm search -l cert-manager
, the stuff shows up
helm fetch jetstack/cert-manager --untar --version v0.10.1 --destination /tmp/foo --repo https\://charts.jetstack.io
work in your environment?
Ah, I just had to remove
from the chart name.
I wonder if that needs to be documented, that you can’t specify the chart name as given in docs when using fetchOpts