Is there a straight forward way to profile a refre...
# general
Is there a straight forward way to profile a refresh? This stack has like 20 some odd vpcs, and some of them are peered, but I can't help but feel it's refreshing the same resources several times. It's upwards of 30 minutes to run a refresh. I've done equally complex resources layouts in other IaC languages and even 10 minutes is long.
You can grab a trace with the command at (the same should work for a
). Then share the trace here or on a GitHub issue. 30 minutes does indeed sound like a very long time for any refresh!
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I'm finding my patience is being test as well so I'm really looking forward to any perf improvements
@worried-city-86458 On what operations exactly (refresh, up, other)? And I forget - have you shared a trace yet?
Up operations, using Helm charts in particular.
If you can make the Istio chart fast that should cover most bases ๐Ÿ˜›
Got it - if you haven't yet shared a trace - it would be great to see one that is typical of where things feel particularly slow - just so we can verify. Though for large helm charts - I'm guessing this is related to the issues discussed at the bottom of I'm hoping we'll be able to tackle both of those very soon.
(I'm not using it yet but heading that way)
I'm running again with trace. The last refresh bombed out, which could have been my keys expiring.
Copy code
    + 1260 to create
    ~ 130 to update
    - 179 to delete
    +-290 to replace
    1859 changes. 256 unchanged

error: failed to complete update: [403] Forbidden
BTW - encourage anyone seeing perf issues to upvote 3257, and share traces or details of their use cases - we're actively working on improvements here - so the more data we have to guide this work the better.
I'm watching for any k8s changes and happy to try anything in alpha
@white-balloon-205 the trace is 305 megs
305M	up.trace
. When I hit the URL, I get two request auth (400ish ms) and the this pulumi trace, and when I try to load the pulumi trace my browser crashes.
@acceptable-army-69872 can you send us the file (s3 url?)?
It compressed down to 29 megs.
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Released version 1.2.1 of the k8s provider that significantly improves performance of preview on stacks with a lot of k8s resources
Weโ€™re working on several related PRs that should help out a lot