I'm trying to update the prometheus operator helm ...
# general
I'm trying to update the prometheus operator helm chart:
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pulumi:pulumi:Stack (k8s-infra-dev):
    error: Error: Command failed: helm fetch stable/prometheus-operator --untar --version 6.16.0 --destination /tmp/tmp-333MmxKBHLF631a
    Error: chart "prometheus-operator" matching version "6.16.0" not found in stable index. (try 'helm repo update'). No chart version found for prometheus-operator-6.16.0
    Error: chart "prometheus-operator" matching version "6.16.0" not found in stable index. (try 'helm repo update'). No chart version found for prometheus-operator-6.16.0
    Error: Error: Command failed: helm fetch stable/prometheus-operator --untar --version 6.16.0 --destination /tmp/tmp-333MmxKBHLF631a
    Error: chart "prometheus-operator" matching version "6.16.0" not found in stable index. (try 'helm repo update'). No chart version found for prometheus-operator-6.16.0
        at /workspaces/devops-gemini-pulumi/k8s-infra/node_modules/@pulumi/kubernetes/helm/v2/helm.js:112:23
        at OutputImpl.<anonymous> (/workspaces/devops-gemini-pulumi/k8s-infra/node_modules/@pulumi/pulumi/output.js:110:47)
        at Generator.next (<anonymous>)
        at fulfilled (/workspaces/devops-gemini-pulumi/k8s-infra/node_modules/@pulumi/pulumi/output.js:18:58)
Is it expected to need to run
helm repo update
After doing that manually the update nearly succeeded:
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pulumi:pulumi:Stack (k8s-infra-dev):
    error: update failed
  kubernetes:policy:PodSecurityPolicy (monitoring/po-grafana):
    error: Plan apply failed: resource monitoring/po-grafana was not successfully created by the Kubernetes API server : podsecuritypolicies.policy "po-grafana" already exists
Ran again and preview looks like the following:
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Type                                           Name                   Plan
     pulumi:pulumi:Stack                            k8s-infra-dev
     └─ kubernetes:helm.sh:Chart                    po
 +      ├─ kubernetes:policy:PodSecurityPolicy      monitoring/po-grafana  create
 -      └─ kubernetes:extensions:PodSecurityPolicy  monitoring/po-grafana  delete
Is this a case of the resource api versions changing and not being picked up by Pulumi?
Yeah, Pulumi just interacts with helm on your system, so you have to run
helm repo update
to pull in new chart info.
We aren’t currently auto-aliasing PSPs, so that would explain the error you’re seeing
https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-kubernetes/issues/828 is tracking getting those added for all resources types
Thanks. Is there a workaround to specify the alias myself?
So for CI/CD, we should always run
helm repo update
outside of Pulumi?
You could specify the alias with a transformation along the lines of https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-kubernetes/blob/049ce63bcafb65b12a2b89621ac6a399118844db/sdk/nodejs/helm/v2/helm.ts#L43-L60 I think
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transformations: [
    (obj: any, opts: pulumi.CustomResourceOptions) => {
        if (obj.kind === "PodSecurityPolicy") {
            opts.aliases = [
                { parent: opts.parent, type: "kubernetes:policy/v1beta1:PodSecurityPolicy"},
                { parent: opts.parent, type: "kubernetes:extensions/v1beta1:PodSecurityPolicy"},
would work
I’d run
helm repo update
after it gets installed in your CI pipeline
The transform worked great, thanks again.
👍 1