Hi, I've run into the issue that pulumi up is hang...
# general
Hi, I've run into the issue that pulumi up is hanging forever until I ctrl+c and stop it. It's on my newly provisioned centos7 machine. Any idea on why that's happenning? It runs fine on my mac.
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➜  eks-cluster git:(develop) ✗ pulumi up --logtostderr -v=7 --debug 2> out.txt
Previewing update (tableau/online-sandbox-yding):

     Type                 Name                              Plan       Info
 +   pulumi:pulumi:Stack  eks-cluster-online-sandbox-yding  create...  debug: RegisterResource RPC finished: resource:eks-cluster-online-sandbox-yd
Hi, what version of node are you running?
If you're on Node 12, can you try downgrading to Node 10 (the current LTS version) and see if you get the same issue?
Sure, will try
I do think that the docs on the pulumi install page should recommend downloading the LTS version
It just says 8+ for now..
@damp-book-35965, agreed. I'll open an issue to update.
👍 2
yeah downgrading to node 10 fixes it, thanks!
@damp-pillow-67781 thanks for confirming!
Thanks for the report. I'm working on a fix for this now
it's pri0 for us
should hopefully have build you can try out by monday
Just to cross-reference - we are tracking this in https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/issues/3309.
v12 will be active LTS in just over a week
hi @worried-city-86458 We're working hard on a fix here.
I've got a PR for this here https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pull/3325 which should solve the issue entirely for most users.
I’m sure you are. Much appreciated too!
This is top pri for us, and we hope to have the fix out asap.
We just want to make totally sure it's really the right approach and best thing for short/medium/long-term health for us and the community 🙂
I’d be happy with async everywhere if / when top-level async (TLA) becomes available
Note: i have a PR to make things nicer in Pulumi prior to that happening
This would allow for near top-level
with minimal syntactic cruft you need to add.
Just hoping the door will stay open for TLA as deasync seemed to be about hiding those details
i love that TLA is itself a TLA (three letter acronym) 😄
If C# support ever happens then I’d be really happy and expect use of async everywhere
It looks like V8, Nodejs and TypeScript are all working toward TLA. V8: https://v8.dev/features/top-level-await
i talked to the TS PM. They wanted it in the latest release, but it slipped slightly. Should be in the next one.
If C# support ever happens then I’d be really happy and expect use of async everywhere
Yup, that's on my plate. And that's my expectation for what would be happening.
Cool. Fingers crossed for both TS and C# in future.
Just needs a library so these envs support launching outside Pulumi CLI so step debugging works.
Good point!
Support for that would be very useful as you can learn a system much faster by debugging into it
note: i'm a personal fan of programs that you pass a debug flag to, and htey basically break at some point and allow you to attach a debuger then
then you don't have to worry "is this running differently depending on lib form versus cli form"
but thanks for all the feedback!
No worries. Thanks for listening.
Re debug flag, that’s what Cake build (C# Make) does.