I have two issues I think I related. Issue 1) I'm ...
# general
I have two issues I think I related. Issue 1) I'm passing in an array of hashes that are config settings to a beanstalk, and every time I run an up, it wants to replace a bunch of the settings and update things. I'm like 99% sure it's an ordering thing. Is there a way for me to order this so I won't have changes each time?
Copy code
~ [0]: {
         ~ name     : "LoadBalancerType" => "VPCId"
         ~ namespace: "aws:elasticbeanstalk:environment" => "aws:ec2:vpc"
         - resource : ""
         ~ value    : "network" => "vpc-VPCID"
 ~ [1]: {
         ~ name     : "Availability Zones" => "InstanceType"
         ~ namespace: "aws:autoscaling:asg" => "aws:autoscaling:launchconfiguration"
         - resource : ""
         ~ value    : "Any" => "m5.large"
 ~ [2]: {
         ~ name     : "environment" => "Availability Zones"
         ~ namespace: "aws:elasticbeanstalk:application:environment" => "aws:autoscaling:asg"
         - resource : ""
         ~ value    : "dev" => "Any"
 ~ [3]: {
         ~ name     : "Subnets" => "MinSize"
         ~ namespace: "aws:ec2:vpc" => "aws:autoscaling:asg"
         - resource : ""
         ~ value    : "subnet-XXX,subnet-YYY" => "1"
 ~ [4]: {
         ~ name     : "Notification Endpoint" => "MaxSize"
         ~ namespace: "aws:elasticbeanstalk:sns:topics" => "aws:autoscaling:asg"
         - resource : ""
         ~ value    : "<mailto:developers@blahblahblah.com|developers@blahblahblah.com>" => "4"
 ~ [5]: {
         ~ name     : "VPCId" => "environment"
         ~ namespace: "aws:ec2:vpc" => "aws:elasticbeanstalk:application:environment"
         - resource : ""
         ~ value    : "vpc-VPCID" => "dev"
Anyone have any thoughts on this?
Do you see this every time you do an
? Are you also doing a refresh at the same time?
I do see this every up, I don't normally run a refresh first, let me try that. That's an abbreviated list, there are 17 or so settings.
I'm curious if you only see this after a refresh or when using
up --refresh
This looks like an issue in the upstream tf provider unfortunately.
You can potentially work around this with
ignoreChanges: ["settings"]
(if it's the settings property on beanstalk environment)
It happens regardless of the refresh. Ignore changes works. I think I'm going to try to jam ignoreChanges into a config variable, and set it when we are doing partial change sets.