Am I missing something?
# general
Am I missing something?
Were you able to solve this? If not - what do you see if you run:
aws cloudformation get-template --stack-name stack-name
? Pulumi should be parsing the JSON/YAML that is returned from that call.
Yes I am able to run get-template cli call and it returned me JSON which I checked with online json validator that it's a valid json
And you are sure it’s in the same account and region? This is definitely not expected - so if you can share a repro in an issue report we can look into it more.
Yes, it's same account and region. I tried running aws cli get-template command, it worked and ran pulumi aws.cloudformation.get_stack(name = 'stack-name'), it failed.
I will create issue on Github, that's what you are saying?
I am new to pulumi so I have a question: how do I migrate all my cloudformation resources to pulumi? Migration is big efforts as we have 5000+ stacks.