Where's Pulumi at with regards to `terraform impor...
# general
Where's Pulumi at with regards to
terraform import
-style functionality? I have to do some pretty broad surgery on our environment and would rather move our stuff over while I'm at it.
Hi @boundless-monkey-50243 We don't have the CMD Line import functionality but we support it using the CustomResourceOptions
I'm familiar with that, and it scares the hell out of me, candidly. Right now I'm worried that it fails the "give this to one of my developers and not come back to a disaster" test.
How successful has this been in use at scale?
I ran a test on importing all of the resources that were deployed with an ARM Template
and it worked fine for me
(Note I work for Pulumi)
Do you have data about this being used, successfully, in production environments by non-Pulumi folks?
The details view is your friend and it will tell you if it will be able to import or not
I will ask in the company slack org
Cool, thanks.
(I'm sure, given infinite time, I can get it to work even if there's jank, the problem is that I lack said infinite time and the rest of my team are sysadmins by trade, not developers by trade)
FWIW, the import CLI style command is exactly the same
you still need to have the resource fleshed out or it will tell you what will change
I understand what you are saying about SysAdmins though
also doesn't import states, either...?
correct - that doesn't do anything with state
That is really disappointing.
Renders it functionally useless, tbh, as somebody (hi) still has to go through resource-by-resource. Candidly, it's very hard to convince my management to pay money for Pulumi (which I would like to do, because I want out of the state management business) when it already costs a lot of time-and-effort to complete adoption. 😕
@boundless-monkey-50243 the
feature has been used by several of the largest Pulumi users (listed on Pulumi.com homepage) over the last few months as part of migration efforts. It actually is uniquely strong for large scale migrations as it is a more flexible (and also more safe due to preventing imports that would lead to changing existing infrastructure) approach than a CLI command. That said - we do plan to extend this support to also provide a CLI entrypoint. Re: tf2pulumi. It doesn’t have built in support for importing, but we’ve worked with users who have added small blocks of code to their code to drive automated adoption from existing tfstate files. We’ll be integrating that into Tf2pulumi soon, but happy to share directly in the meantime if you are looking for pointers.
@white-balloon-205 I would 100% love to see this. Even if it's not turn-key, it's gotta be better than eyeballing every one of ~800 resources. 😐
I appreciate the safety aspect, for sure. I guess I'm just a little fried in general given the amount of heavy lifting getting a more useful set of tools in place has already required. 😉
Understood - I'll update the issue in the
repo tracking automated adoption to list the current way this can be accomplished (which we've used in practice with 2 very large users of Pulumi recently).
Awesome, thank you very much.