Trying to create a lambda for handling S3 object c...
# general
Trying to create a lambda for handling S3 object creation:
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transcriptionJobs.bucket.onObjectCreated('publish', async ev => {
  const s3Client = new aws.sdk.S3()
  const kinesisCliet = new aws.sdk.Kinesis()
  for (const { s3: { bucket, object } } of ev.Records || []) {
    console.log({ bucket, object })
and getting an error:
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Error: failed to register new resource publish [aws:lambda/function:Function]: 2 UNKNOWN: failed to compute asset hash: asset path 'node_modules/@lemonade/infra-common' is a directory; try using an archive
Could you open an issue for this? Are you doing any customization of what paths get included in the Lambda?
nope. No customizations. Can I configure it?