Hey how to I run pulumi up on my stack while exclu...
# general
Hey how to I run pulumi up on my stack while excluding certain items ?
What do you mean exactly by "excluding certain items"? We did add
-target <urn>
support recently - but that is intended for the opposite scenario - only updating specific resources. If you have more details on this - it may make sense to open a GitHub issue.
👍 1
We’re using flags for that:
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function parseFlag(name: string, defaultValue: boolean): boolean {
  const envVar = process.env[name]
  if (envVar === undefined) return defaultValue
  return ['1', 'yes', 'y', 'true'].includes(envVar)

export const allowDatadog = parseFlag('ALLOW_DATADOG', true)
And then later:
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if (allowDatadog) { ... }
And then you can run:
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ALLOW_DATADOG=0 pulumi up
👍 1