easy question...when creating an EKS cluster, Pulu...
# general
easy question...when creating an EKS cluster, Pulumi seems to tack on random characters at the end, I suppose to keep the cluster name unique. Is there a place where I can set the cluster name and omit the random postfix of characters?
yep. I don’t think thats specific to EKS, pulumi does this across the board
This is the auto-naming functionality in Pulumi. https://www.pulumi.com/docs/intro/concepts/programming-model/#autonaming Generally you can override this by setting a
name: 'my-cluster'
property on the resource. You can do this if you're using the EKS resources via
, but it looks like we don't expose this via
👍 1
ah, thanks for the info
I voted on that 🙂