I am trying to save a private key with `--` at the...
# general
I am trying to save a private key with
at the start and pulumi's cli is interpreting that as a flag. Is there a way to get around that? I need to save it as a secret
wrap it in quotes
If you don’t provide a value, the CLI will read from stdin, so you can pipe the value in that way? https://www.pulumi.com/docs/reference/cli/pulumi_config_set/
Configuration values can be accessed when a stack is being deployed and used to configure behavior. If a value is not present on the command line, pulumi will prompt for the value. Multi-line values may be set by piping a file to standard in.
Ah yea, the cli doesn't mention you can do it via stdin but I assumed there was some way to do it
let me try that
It worked, thanks!