What is the preferred way to make sure Pulumi can ...
# general
What is the preferred way to make sure Pulumi can validate the existence of a new EKS cluster and keep the EKS API endpoint private?
Hi, Not sure what you mean. But I think you are asking how can you ensure that Pulumi succeeded without exposing the cluster URL?
Yes, that's what I meant. Clearly haven't had enough yet.
if you are on TypeScript then you can do something like:
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export const clusterId = myCluster.Id;
using the correct id output of course
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// Create an EKS cluster
const cluster = new eks.Cluster(
    customTimeouts: { create: "30m", delete: "30m", update: "30m" }
export const kubeconfig = pulumi.secret(cluster.kubeconfig);
it’ll outputs:
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    kubeconfig: "[secret]"
then when you need to use it for kubectl
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pulumi stack output --show-secrets kubeconfig > ~/.kube/config