We are attempting to wrap up pulumi and associated...
# general
We are attempting to wrap up pulumi and associated tools in a docker container to make it easy for our users to bring up infra without having to install a bunch of tools, sdks, etc. Possibly creating a GCP cloud shell launcher. One minor nit we ran into is the users
directory. We volume mount that in docker to the users home dir, (or in cloud shell - to the users cloud shell home) - but the
directory does not have the right plugins installed
for this purpose would a symlink suffice?
possibly. A problem might be if a mac user runs this, the pulumi binary would install a linux plugin
If the mac user ever attempted to use “native” pulumi (which we expect them to do from time to time) I think bad things would happen
an env var override would let us use the docker plugins location when running in the docker wrapper, and should not interfere with the users native plugins. But it should still give them shared history, credentials, etc.