I’d like to try out the `pulumi up --target` opti...
# general
I’d like to try out the
pulumi up --target
option, however I am seeing that the preview is not limited to the targeted URN I provide. Is that expected? Will the targeting only affect the actual
once I approve it.
Could you share the output you are seeing by any chance? Note that there were a couple improvements here in the 1.6.0 release last week: https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/issues/2522
I did actually upgrade to
already. This is what I’m seeing currently:
Copy code
❯ pulumi up --suppress-outputs -t urn:pulumi:clusters::infrastructure::spotinst:aws/ocean:Ocean::web-dev --target-dependents
Previewing update (clusters):

     Type                   Name                     Plan       Info
     pulumi:pulumi:Stack    infrastructure-clusters             
 =   ├─ spotinst:aws:Ocean  cluster-us2              import     [diff: -userData,whitelists~imageId,tags]; 1 warning
 =   ├─ spotinst:aws:Ocean  cluster-us1              import     [diff: -userData~imageId,rootVolumeSize,tags]; 1 warning
 +   └─ spotinst:aws:Ocean  web-dev                  create     
  spotinst:aws:Ocean (cluster-us2):
    warning: inputs to import do not match the existing resource; importing this resource will fail
  spotinst:aws:Ocean (cluster-us1):
    warning: inputs to import do not match the existing resource; importing this resource will fail
    + 1 to create
    = 2 to import
    3 changes. 239 unchanged

Do you want to perform this update? no
confirmation declined, not proceeding with the update
I have tried it in the past with less weird conditions (no imports) and saw the same behavior