Hi everyone, I am excited about the prospect of us...
# general
Hi everyone, I am excited about the prospect of using Pulumi for my IaC. One question I have is have there been any thoughts about incorporating Pulumi into GitOps flows/operators? I am talking about something like Flux CD that will automatically apply and update your K8s clusters to stay consistent with what is in git, even automatically push changes when new images are detected, etc. Flux CD currently expects K8s yaml manifests or HelmRelease CRs, supported kustomize, etc.
have there been any thoughts about incorporating Pulumi into GitOps flows/operators
Yes! Many/most heavy Pulumi user's are incorporating it into some type of GitOps workflow. We have a page here with some details for integrating with a wide variety of CD solutions: https://www.pulumi.com/docs/guides/continuous-delivery/
I am talking about something like Flux CD that will automatically apply and update your K8s clusters to stay consistent with what is in git
Yes - this is exactly what is commonly done. But instead of just Kubernetes, Pulumi supports any cloud resources (including Kubernetes).
Hey @white-balloon-205 thanks for the links! After reading through them it looks like these are about CI-based deployments. I am talking more about a GitOps based flow in which the cluster monitors the cluster repository configuration along with the image repository in order to reconcile any changes, potentially committing back to the repository (e.g. when an image is updated) -- this means something like Flux CD would need to understand Pulumi since (as I understand it) there are no actual K8s manifests (as they are encapsulated by code using Pulumi packages)