Is there a clean way to ask pulumi cli to give up?...
# general
Is there a clean way to ask pulumi cli to give up? Ctrl-C causes pulumi to leave things in pending. Example: typo in k8s namespace. Pulumi waits a while and tries several times, but it is clear on the first failure that it should be stopped.
If you ctrl-c twice, it should offer to hard cancel (potentially leaving some resources in an unknown state).
Yes. Is there a soft cancel?
Because it is clear that Pulumi has logic to cleanly cancel (i.e. deploying something to non-existing namespace) but a hard cancel always results in some things in pending_operations
The soft cancel (first ctrl-c) requires waiting for any pending operations, the hard cancel (second ctrl-c) stops and will generally leave behind pending operations. I am surprised that the soft cancel doesn’t work for K8s namespace - I believe the k8s provider does implement cooperative cancellation. If you are seeing this consistently - please do open an issue - ideally we would be able to stop retrying on soft cancel.
👍 1