I'm using pulumi on AWS with TypeScript. I have an...
# general
I'm using pulumi on AWS with TypeScript. I have an existing codebuild job that does some stuff. Ultimately, it uploads artifacts to S3. I'd like to launch that job during deployment using resources (domain names) that have been created/updated. Further, I'd like to use the artifacts produced by the job when creating a CloudFront distribution. Any suggestions on how to launch & obtain results from a codebuild job from a pulumi program?
That helps you define a codebuild project but as far as I can tell it doesn't launch the job or anything.
I see this issue (https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/issues/99) for runing external commands from a script but it is still open ...
ah, I see. Honestly i'm not familiar with codebuild 😞 .
no worries, thanks for looking 🙂
You could look at a dynamic provider as it allows you to specify your own crud actions
An example is here in this blog post
Thanks @broad-dog-22463, that looks useful.