I noticed pulumi exposes the node aws-sdk through ...
# general
I noticed pulumi exposes the node aws-sdk through
new aws.sdk.S3()
like calls. If I have an aws.Provider with set credentials is there a way to use that to create sdk clients? This is for multi-account programs.
There is not currently - but I’d very much like to add an ability to get one of these pre-configured SDK references from a provider (mostly for use at deployment time). I don’t see an issue already tracking this though it’s something that has come up several times - if you want to open one that would be great - else I’ll do it when I’m back at my laptop.
in pulumi/pulumi or pulumi/pulumi-aws? I've not used the other clouds with pulumi yet so I don't know if it's the same deal
Pulumi-AWS works - as that’s the only place we have an equivalent of this today - though I can imagine adding the same for other clouds once we flesh it out.