Is it possible to detect when Pulumi is running in...
# general
Is it possible to detect when Pulumi is running in watch mode to change resource behavior? For example, could a custom docker image resource be made that detects when Pulumi is running in watch mode and whenever there’s a change to source files, instead of rebuilding the image it syncs the files through a volume, allowing for stuff like hot-reloading? This would not be dissimilar from what Tilt and Skaffold allow you to do.
Yes, that should be possible. Can you file an issue in pulumi/pulumi? cc @white-balloon-205
Sure! I’ll do that now.
Here it is: I don’t really like the title that much so feel free to change it to something that’s more descriptive/searchable for Pulumi contributors 🙂
I know that hot-reloading is a very specific React thing and might not be called that in other programming environments that support something similar