Hello, I'm trying to import existing helm chart re...
# general
Hello, I'm trying to import existing helm chart resources into Pulumi with:
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const redis = new k8s.helm.v2.Chart(
    transformations: [
      args => {
        if (args.props.metadata && args.props.metadata.name) {
          return {
            props: args.props,
            opts: pulumi.mergeOptions(args.opts, {
              import: args.props.metadata.name
        return undefined;
However, this fails with
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$ pulumi up

 +   ├─ kubernetes:helm.sh:Chart        redis                  create
 =   │  ├─ kubernetes:core:Service      redis-headless         import     1 error
 =   │  ├─ kubernetes:core:ConfigMap    redis                  import     [diff: +data~metadata]; 1 warning
 =   │  ├─ kubernetes:core:ConfigMap    redis-health           import     1 error
 =   │  ├─ kubernetes:core:Service      redis-master           import     1 error
 =   │  ├─ kubernetes:core:Secret       redis                  import     1 error
 =   │  └─ kubernetes:apps:StatefulSet  redis-master           import     1 error
 =   └─ kubernetes:core:Namespace       redis                  import

  kubernetes:core:Service (redis-master):
    error: Preview failed: resource 'redis-master' does not exist

  kubernetes:core:Service (redis-headless):
    error: Preview failed: resource 'redis-headless' does not exist

  kubernetes:core:ConfigMap (redis):
    warning: inputs to import do not match the existing resource; importing this resource will fail
Errors stating that resource does not exist are wrong - resources are here. The thing is that pulumi checks resources under
namespace - I verified it by creating cm
and it shows different error for the resource. Another concern is "warning: inputs to import do not match the existing resource; importing this resource will fail" - how do I force pulumi to take over this resource? For now I have to deploy chart into a different namespace, export stack state into a file, edit it by replacing namespace name, destroy resources, and reimport modified state. I.e. I can't just use this import feature of pulumi.