Hello, trying to spin up a digitalocean kubernetes...
# general
Hello, trying to spin up a digitalocean kubernetes cluster and install a helm chart:
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"use strict";
const pulumi = require("@pulumi/pulumi");
const digitalocean = require("@pulumi/digitalocean");
const kubernetes = require("@pulumi/kubernetes");

const region = "sfo2";

const kubernetesVersion = "1.16.2-do.2";

const nodeSize = "s-1vcpu-2gb";
const nodeCount = 1;

const cluster = new digitalocean.KubernetesCluster(
        region: region,
        version: kubernetesVersion,
        nodePool: {name: "default", size: nodeSize, nodeCount: nodeCount}

const kubeconfig = cluster.kubeConfigs[0].rawConfig;

const provider = new kubernetes.Provider("kubernetes-provider", {cluster, kubeconfig});

const chart = new kubernetes.helm.v2.Chart(
        repo: "stable",
        chart: "nginx-ingress",
        version: "1.28.3"
    {providers: {kubernetes: provider}});

const controllerStatus = chart.getResourceProperty(

const ipAddress = controllerStatus.apply(status => status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip);

module.exports = {ipAddress};
I get
TypeError: Cannot read property 'status' of undefined
. I think it might have something to do with pulumi trying to install the chart before the cluster/provider is created (?). The resource tree shows the chart but not its "contents":
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Type                                     Name                 Plan       Info
 +   pulumi:pulumi:Stack                      test-do-k8s-do-k8s   create     1 error
 +   ├─ kubernetes:helm.sh:Chart              nginx-ingress-chart  create     
 +   ├─ digitalocean:index:KubernetesCluster  kubernetes-cluster   create     
 +   └─ pulumi:providers:kubernetes           kubernetes-provider  create
I got a similar problem not too long ago. I believe the resource name provided in the
call should also include the namespace. I think there was another user in this channel about a month or so ago who hit the same problem.
I'll give that a try. I am confused by the resource tree not showing the deployments, etc under the chart. Does it work in your case, @clever-sunset-76585?
Is that resource tree snippet in your message above from the preview phase? I think that the chart's resources are not determined until the actual update. cc @gorgeous-egg-16927
yes, it is
I commented out the getResourceProperty part (but not the chart) and while it "suceeds" I don't see anything nginx-ingress-related deployed
You should see all of the subresources of the Helm chart, both during preview and update. I think the problem may be
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const provider = new kubernetes.Provider("kubernetes-provider", {cluster, kubeconfig});
You shouldn’t need the cluster arg, just the kubeconfig. Here’s a TypeScript example: https://github.com/pulumi/examples/blob/master/digitalocean-ts-k8s/index.ts
The cluster arg is for the name of the cluster (and is usually not needed): https://www.pulumi.com/docs/reference/pkg/nodejs/pulumi/kubernetes/#ProviderArgs-cluster
Thanks, @gorgeous-egg-16927, you are right that the
arg was wrong. But removing it makes no difference.
Creating a
, as in the example you linked, works.
It's helm charts it seems to have trouble with
I have tried with the wordpress chart to double check, doesn't work either
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const wordpress = new kubernetes.helm.v2.Chart("wpdev", {
        repo: "stable",
        version: "2.1.3",
        chart: "wordpress",
    {providers: {kubernetes: provider}});
(copied from some official example, only added the
Can you instead try
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const wordpress = new kubernetes.helm.v2.Chart("wpdev", {
        repo: "stable",
        version: "2.1.3",
        chart: "wordpress",
    {provider: provider});
Note the changed provider line
same result
(i.e. chart displayed as created but no actual kubernetes resources listed or visible through
Hmm, that’s odd. Would you mind filing an issue on the pulumi-kubernetes repo with the program and what versions of CLI and providers you’re running?