Having trouble passing in values to a Helm chart v...
# general
Having trouble passing in values to a Helm chart via Pulumi. The chart is failing to install because an access id I am passing in as a value isn’t valid. I know it is valid because I can install the helm chart manually, passing in the secret with
. Pulumi looks to be writing these values into a yaml file in tmp, but they’re cleaned up as soon as the command fails: Command failed: helm template /tmp/tmp-2518liO6nRLE4N1X/sumologic --name-template sumobundle --values /tmp/tmp-2518liO6nRLE4N1X/sumologic/values.yaml --values /tmp/tmp-25188Uk68Vj0j9UB.yaml --namespace sumologic I’d like to validate the values in these files and confirm that the secrets are being passed in. Before I do something hacky, is there a better way I could go about troubleshooting this problem or maybe force Pulumi to retain its artifacts from the preview?
We don’t currently expose a way to keep those files around after failure. I can take a look if you want to post the code snippet you’re using for the Chart + values
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const helm = new kubernetes.helm.v2.Chart("sumobundle", {
    fetchOpts: {
        repo: "<https://sumologic.github.io/sumologic-kubernetes-collection>"
    chart: "sumologic",
    namespace: "sumologic",
            "sumologic.endpoint": "<https://api.us2.sumologic.com/api/v1/>",
            "sumologic.accessId": "secret",
            "sumologic.accessKey": "alsosecret",
            "prometheus-operator.prometheus.prometheusSpec.externalLabels.cluster": "mycluster",
            "sumologic.clusterName": "mycluster"        }

Ah, the problem is with the keys in your values dict. Instead of
, you would need
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sumologic: {
  endpoint: "<URL>"
Same for the other values
It might make sense to support the format you used as well. You’re welcome to open an issue on the pulumi-kubernetes repo if that would be helpful
Thanks for the tip! I'll do so.
👍 1