Also is there a null resource plugin for pulumi? I...
# general
Also is there a null resource plugin for pulumi? I'm trying to run tf2pulumi on some Terraform modules. Maybe I can go into the .Terraform folder
There is not a null resource in Pulumi currently. Null resources in Terraform are typically used for some sceondary reason - like running a local exec. There are approaches you can take for each of these use-cases in Pulumi - but they are somewhat less exactly 1:1 with Terraform than many other areas. In general, during conversion you will need to write custom code to replace uses of null resources. If you can share an example of one of your null resources, someone here may be able to point to what can be used to accomplish a similar goal in Pulumi.
Well it's not my module. It's an imported module so I'm guessing I will have to find all the references within the .Terraform folder... 🤔
It would be nice if it was a warning rather than error so at least tf2pulumi could provide a useful output
It would be nice if it was a warning rather than error so at least tf2pulumi could provide a useful output
Indeed. In fact, I thought that was already the case. What error exactly do you see? Does
helps a lot