I'm new to Pulumi. Is there some way for Pulumi to...
# general
I'm new to Pulumi. Is there some way for Pulumi to wait a resource to be completely ready before querying information about the resource? I need to create AWS EKS and then to query the AWS EKS's vpc_config but there is a piece of information that is not available until AWS has completely created the EKS (the master plane security group).
Don’t you create your own VPC first, create subnets in it and pass some of the subnets to the creation of the EKS cluster?
Yes. That's exactly what I do. I create VPC, subnets for EKS and security group for the EKS worker plane and I inject these values as parameters to EKS as in that example above. Everything is fine this far. But. When AWS creates EKS it creates a special security group for the EKS master plane and only when EKS is fully created that value can be found in eks.cluster.vpc_config["clusterSecurityGroupId"]. And I need to access to that security group in the same "pulumi up" run...
You should create and pass your own security group ID for the control plane.
Can't do that - EKS creates it: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eks/latest/userguide/sec-group-reqs.html => "Amazon EKS clusters beginning with Kubernetes version 1.14 and platform version 
 create a cluster security group as part of cluster creation"
That’s new to me. Coming back to your problem, can you post a snippet of code how you access the vpc_config of the created EKS cluster?
... and: https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/aws/d/eks_cluster.html => "`cluster_security_group_id` - The cluster security group that was created by Amazon EKS for the cluster."
Are you using
to create the cluster?
my_cluster.vpc_config["clusterSecurityGroupId"] ... and this works only in the second "pulumi up" run when the EKS infra (with that master plane security group) was completely created in the first "pulumi up" run...
from pulumi_aws import eks
i.e. the Python SDK.
We are considering to use Pulumi instead of Terraform in one customer case. This far everything has been pretty smooth with Pulumi - this is the first show-stopper.
vpc_config is an
of my_cluster, so referring to vpc_config should (in Pulumi) style wait for the value(s) to be there before it continues execution. I haven’t used Python with Pulumi. Is it possible to also use the dotted notation to refer to clusterSecurityGroupId? Example:
I'll try...
my_cluster.vpc_config.clusterSecurityGroupId, => AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'clusterSecurityGroupId'
Is there some differences which language you use with Pulumi? I.e. something like this works with Typescript SDK but doesn't work with Python SDK?
It shouldn’t. But we are working with software so you might have bumped into a bug. You might have better chance asking a few hours later when the Pulumi people (mostly US) become alive.
Ok. No problem, I understand. I can create a temporary workaround for this (e.g. a flag which says if EKS is ready, and use that vpc_config only in the second "pulumi up" run when EKS has created that security group. But in the long run it would be nice to find a permanent solution for this. 🙂
I created a workaround this, but it needs two "pulumi up" runs: in the first run create just EKS, in the second run use the my_cluster.vpc_config.clusterSecurityGroupId that EKS created. I'd like to know if this is a Pulumi bug?
the module is also supported in Python, but the pathing is a bit different to get to the same value
instead of
you’ll want to try
lmk if that helps resolve your issue
@faint-table-42725 , thanks for the reply but that doesn't resolve the issue. If you try to create eks and access
in the same "pulumi up" run you will notice that the security group (that EKS creates) is not yet ready and pulumi will throw
Copy code
KeyError: 'clusterSecurityGroupId'
ah… i see, because vpc_config is an Output
if you do
my_cluster.vpc_config.apply(*lambda* config: config['clusterSecurityGroupId'])
does that work instead?
Just tried it. This time Pulumi doesn't give the "KeyError" but it doesn't create the security rule either (I'm using the
my_cluster.vpc_config.apply(*lambda* config: config['clusterSecurityGroupId'])
security group id as source_security_group_id for another resource). In the second "pulumi up" run Pulumi creates the EKS node_group for EKS and also the missing security rule (now that EKS has created that Master plane security group id in the first run). That's ok now (even though it would be nice to have all these resources to be created in one "pulumi up" run, but this is behavior I have seen also in the Terraform side, so I guess there always are peculiarities like this when creating cloud resources. Thanks for your help, I'm satisfied with this now.
Sure thing
One last thought on this is you could wait for the status of the cluster (my_cluster.status) to be Active
before you continue with attempting to use that value
and occasionally fetch the status via .get