How does Pulumi Terraform Bridge deal with default...
# general
How does Pulumi Terraform Bridge deal with default values configured in a resource? I am running into an issue i.e. a resource is defined as this:
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"list_policy": {
				"allow": {
							"all": {
								Type:         schema.TypeBool,
								Optional:     true,
############ --->		    	Default:      false,                 <-- Default Value #########
								ExactlyOneOf: []string{"list_policy.0.allow.0.all", "list_policy.0.allow.0.values"},
							"values": {
								Type:         schema.TypeSet,
								Optional:     true,
								ExactlyOneOf: []string{"list_policy.0.allow.0.all", "list_policy.0.allow.0.values"},
								Elem:         &schema.Schema{Type: schema.TypeString},
								Set:          schema.HashString,
				}, And I created it like this:
Copy code
new projects.OrganizationPolicy('Only allow resource in Europe', {
    constraint: 'gcp.resourceLocations',
    project: gcloud.project,
    listPolicy: {
        allow: {
            values: ['in:europe-west4-locations']
What would be the value of
Interesting. I would not have expected that resource to work in Terraform either. But if it does, then this is a bug in the Pulumi Terraform bridge handling of default application.
Ahh - I see in you note that this doesn't work in Terraform either!
@white-balloon-205 actually I mapped the pulumi config to terraform there, I did not reproduce it. I also found their tests which do cover this area quite well so right now Pulumi Terraform Bridge is the main suspect
Is there a general guide on how to debug the output Pulumi send to terraform?
Also, they ran an repro and got it working in Terraform – so how would we get there in Pulumi?
Got it - so this is then a bug in the Pulumi Terraform Bridge.
Is there a general guide on how to debug the output Pulumi send to terraform?
See for verbose logs which will include the values marshalled to and from all provider calls. But if the bug is what we are assuming here - I expect this will show that the default is being applied earlier that Terraform would apply it, and thus triggering the ExactlyOneOf.
So I ran the script with logging enabled and we can indeed see the default value being applied. You can clearly see the input value being just the ‘values’ list, and then a few steps later ‘all’ is applied.
@white-balloon-205 thanks for your help. I posted the log on the issue for now.
👍 1