Wondering if anyone can help me out. I am having ...
# general
Wondering if anyone can help me out. I am having a weird issue with my state. My coworker and I are getting different preview output. We are both on the master branch and the same commit hash, but he has 27 things to change and I have only 4. Is there cache or something else that he isn't getting the latest state? From the console I can see we are previewing the same stack, but we are getting the different results.
If you're both logged in to the Console and pointing to the same stack, the Console will ensure you're each using the latest state, so something must be different in your config. Are you both pointing to the same account or cluster, depending on which provider you're using?
yes, it is all the same.
as far as I can tell.
Can you open an issue at https://support.pulumi.com/hc/en-us with the
preview --diff
output from both?