Hi guys! Is it possible to do "update before delet...
# general
Hi guys! Is it possible to do "update before delete"? For instance, I have a GCP Https proxy target, which depends on a certificate and I cannot replace a certificate cause another resource depends on it.
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Error reading SslCertificate: googleapi: Error 400: The ssl_certificate resource 'projects/some-project/global/sslCertificates/base-site-ssl-certificate' is already being used by 'projects/some-project/global/targetHttpsProxies/base-site-http-proxy', resourceInUseByAnotherResource
That should work normally. Can you post a code snippet for the certificate and proxy? I suspect you lock the naming of the certificate and not let Pulumi do its autonaming. See the last paragraph here: https://www.pulumi.com/blog/infrastructure-as-code-resource-naming/#logical-vs-physical-names
@limited-rainbow-51650 it has nothing to do with naming. I generate self-signed certificate each time, therefore .certificate and .private_key properties of the ssl_certificate object change. Since target https proxy depends on it, I cannot do a "replace" operation on the ssl_certificate.
In terraform you can replace it using "update before delete" or "create before delete", smth like that, I do not remember exactly, but I think those two are separate
there is no mention of how to use it
@better-actor-92669 You need to create the new `SSLCertificate` before deleting the existing one (here:
). I.e. the new one needs another name because the old name is already used. Therefore simply adding a small, unique hash would solve it. That’s what Ringo means.
@better-actor-92669 The
field is in the
(e.g. in NodeJS).
Right, and adding that hash is something Pulumi does by default if you don’t provide a value for the
property of your certificate resource. On the other hand, if you want
delete before create
like mentioned in issue 450 referenced above, set the
@stocky-island-3676 thank you. It will for sure solve the issue, i do it for postgresql instances, since google reserves a name for a long time after deletion. However, it doesn’t answer my initial question about the resource lifecycle. Imagine that you have a cerificate, let’s say as a secret, and when you change it , you don’t want to replace the name of the resource
@better-actor-92669 that is again a reason to let Pulumi do its autonaming.
@limited-rainbow-51650 , @stocky-island-3676 thank you. I will take a look at that property. Strange that I haven’t found it in the programming model article
@limited-rainbow-51650, I was talking about deletebeforereplace. Autonaming makes sense, thank you for the explanation, however I try to specify resource name to have some consistency in gcp console.
@better-actor-92669 which means you are overriding the autonaming. Autonaming is the biggest reason for not ending up in the situation you are in now.
Yeah, I agree. But if I want to avoid autonaming, let’s say for the consistency of ci cd, I can’t afford to have random names each time. In some cases I need to have control over the resource lifecycle
That’s why that deletebeforecreate exists I guess
The naming is not fully random. If you create e.g.
pulumi.gcp.SSLCertificate('my-name-here', …)
, when applying, the resource on GCP will end with
so you should still be able to identify it.
In the end, it is still your call, but definitely have another look at the autonaming and see if you aren’t taking a lot of hassle upon yourselves by bypassing it. I haven’t had any problems so far with it.
As a closing note: before Pulumi, I used Terraform. In Terraform, I had to manage the naming fully myself, meaning I needed the hassle to make the resource name unique myself. In Terraform, they needed the reverse lifecycle trick as a result:
https://www.terraform.io/docs/configuration/resources.html#create_before_destroy I’m glad that Pulumi improved on this with the autonaming.
👍 1
@better-actor-92669 For CI/CD consistency, Pulumi uses stacks where the state is saved (similar or same(?) like Terraform). That way a repeated application (
) let’s say of the
wouldn’t change sth. I.e. it’s idempotent. (If that’s not the case, it’s definitely a bug.) I’ve linked the “Progamming Model” documentation in the Github issues.
Sorry, I think I confused you. I don't really want to change the
name, which is the first argument, I only care about the
I only care about the
That’s what we’re also talking about. Pulumi automatically sets the
name = resource-name-hash-suffix
if you didn’t set the
for yourself. That’s the new, good thing compared to Terraform which doesn’t do this, AFAIK.
👍🏼 1
Got you, thanks!
@stocky-island-3676, when I mentioned the CI-CD part, I didn't mean pulumi specifically. Let's say you create your whole infrastructure automatically using any CI/CD tool or a script (very bad idea). Then, you want to access a resource via it's name in latter steps (outside of pulumi). For instance, to do host configuration via Ansible or apply a salt state. In this case, you want some consistency of how you assign your Cloud DNS names using the pattern
. I hope you understand me now.
and yes, both autonaming and deletebeforereplace work like a charm. Thank you guys!
@better-actor-92669 Right, I know this problem, too. Still, in the
case here, you basically have these options (or do I miss sth.): 1. Create the new certificate beforehand with a new name (with whatever suffix or prefix). 2. Delete the old certificate first => downtime, then create the new certificate with the same name. 3. 1.) with
name = B
& use
. Then (sometime later probably if everything works out) 2.) with
, & re-use name
(with new values).
yeah, @stocky-island-3676, thanks a lot. For now, I just used autonaming. Cheers!