I keep hitting situations where I want to access v...
# general
I keep hitting situations where I want to access values from an object and hitting the dreaded "Calling [toJSON] on an [Output<T>] is not supported". For the most part I've learned to reference the object and let Pulumi figure it out. But now I've hit a situation where that doesn't seem to work:
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let secretsToStore = {
                    "username": rdsInstance.username,
                    "password": password.result,
                    "engine": rdsInstance.engine,
                    "port": rdsInstance.port,
                    "dbname": rdsInstance.name,
                    "dbInstanceIdentifier": rdsInstance.identifier

                const storedPassword = new aws.secretsmanager.SecretVersion(dbName + "_password", {
                    secretId: rotation.id,
                    secretString: JSON.stringify(secretsToStore)
The secretsToStore object ends up with a bunch of "Calling [toJSON] on an [Output<T>] is not supported" strings. What's the proper way to handle this?
BTW, I've tried .apply(value => value) but no luck.
It’s easier to think of
types as promises, so the JSON.stringify should happen within some kind of apply. In this case, you probably want something like:
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pulumi.all([rdsInstance.username, rdsInstance.engine, ...]).apply(([username, engine, ...]) => JSON.stringify({ ... }))
so, the idea here is you need to have all those outputs available before you can apply them and construct your object — the return value of the above statement is going to be an
which you can then pass as an argument to
Thanks, I'll give that a try. The challenge I've found with this approach (unless I misunderstand) is that there's no "await" equivalent, meaning the "new aws.secretsmanager.SecretVersion" call has to also be inside the apply() stanza for operations to complete in order.
It depends on what you’re doing. For example, if there are side effects, then those would need to live w/in the
Resources should usually be able to take an
as an arg
So that’s why the
doesn’t have to live w/in the
In this case, though, what I'm sending is a JSON.stringify() to the new SecretVersion. Pulumi won't see that as an Output, I don't expect.
It should — the result of an
is an Output<T> where T is the return type of the function you passed to
Hmmm. When I was testing, I put inline rdsInstance.username.apply(value => value) but the problem is I was trying to put it into a JSON object and then stringify it.
Thanks all the same for the suggestion on how to fix it!
It’s how you can do things like:
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const bucket = new aws.s3.Bucket("my-bucket", ...);
const cdn = new aws.cloudfront.Distribution("cdn", {
     loggingConfig: {
       bucket: bucket.bucketDomainName
In this case, bucketDomainName is an
, which we’re now passing as an input to create the CDN
Yes, within a call to a new Pulumi object, it generally works. In the case of a new aws.secretsmanager.SecretVersion, however, the secretString object expects JSON.stringify(), not an Output object. Hence the problem in my case.
Since it’s expecting an
should work
If it’s not, can you please show me the error message? That would be a bug
What I'm reading is that secretString expects a string. Never mind. It's an Input<string>
So an
really translates to either a string, a promise that returns a string, or an output that returns a string
I’m guessing you’ve already read https://www.pulumi.com/docs/intro/concepts/programming-model/#outputs — but in case you haven’t it clarifies some of this. We definitely need to make it clearer/easier to understand how this works.
I've read it but really struggled with it. I've had to essentially cast out of mind how I would do things with "await" since that doesn't exist.
I generally find trouble whenever I try to cross between pure Pulumi objects and traditional Typescript objects. I have to do it carefully.
Yeah, I hear you there. I think one way to think about it is that pretty much any input to a resource is fine as a promise, so in essence, all the inputs are awaitables
Except actually calling "await" doesn't actually wait on anything...
Back to what you were asking about reproducibility, the code I posted at the beginning of this thread was an example of where I expected Pulumi to wait on the resolution of the objects before populating.
right, but in this case, JSON.stringify doesn’t know how to deal w/ awaitables
So how would I get that information into the secretString without using apply?
in this case, i don’t think there’s an easy way except for apply
sorry, i wasn’t trying to imply there was
I suppose it could work if it were possible to manually create an Output object. Is it?
I’m not quite sure I understand what you mean
Manually construct an Output object so Pulumi knows to wait on it?
And avoid having to call apply
But at the end of the day, the properties of that rdsInstance are
It would be helpful if I could do the equivalent of new Output("https://"+Output<string>)
ah, that you can do
From the page I linked earlier:
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// concat takes a list of args and concatenates all of them into a single output:
const url1: Output<string> = pulumi.concat("http://", hostname, ":", port, "/");
// interpolate takes a JavaScript "template literal" and expands outputs correctly:
const url2: Output<string> = pulumi.interpolate `http://${hostname}:${port}/`;
i haven’t tested this, but you should be able to also just
pulumi.output({ … }).apply(JSON.stringify)
and pass that to the arg
you still have to use apply since you want to
, but maybe you feel like that’ll look cleaner
so i guess in your case,
hope that helps!
BTW, your suggestion works and is cleaner:
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let secretsToStore = {
                "username": rdsInstance.username,
                "password": password.result,
                "engine": rdsInstance.engine,
                "port": rdsInstance.port,
                "dbname": rdsInstance.name,
                "dbInstanceIdentifier": rdsInstance.identifier,
                "host": rdsInstance.address

            const storedPassword = new aws.secretsmanager.SecretVersion(dbName + "_password", {
                secretId: rotation.id,
                secretString: pulumi.output(secretsToStore).apply(JSON.stringify)