We are facing the problem that the aks cluster was...
# general
We are facing the problem that the aks cluster was replaced all the time when running pulumi up when doing k8s.rbac.v1.RoleBinding. And according to this code in pulumi provider, there is a note "We can't tell for sure if a computed value has changed, so we make the conservative choice, and force a replacement.". Is there any way to avoid this replacement all the time?
Copy code
// <https://github.com/pulumi/kubernetes-guides/blob/master/azure/03-cluster-configuration/index.ts>
const aksProvider = new k8s.Provider("aksProvider", {
    kubeconfig: aksCluster.kubeAdminConfigRaw

const aksRoleBinding = new k8s.rbac.v1.RoleBinding(`${config.prefix}-aad-integration`, ..., { provider: aksProvider })
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