When using the Kubernetes provider and creating a ...
# general
When using the Kubernetes provider and creating a Kubernetes
, for example:
Copy code
new CustomResource("test-cluster", {
    apiVersion: "<http://acid.zalan.do/v1|acid.zalan.do/v1>",
    kind: "postgresql",
    metadata: {
        name: "test-cluster"
    spec: {
and that custom resource results in other new resources being created by an operator. For example a
, multiple `Secret`'s etc. If, in the same Pulumi program, after creating the
I want to import and use those new resources (created by the operator, when the new
above was created), how would I import them? Currently
pulumi up
will fail on the preview with a "resource ... does not exist" error, since the resource that would be created once run, isn't there yet. Is there an elegant/any way to handle this?
Depends a little on what you want to do with them. If you just want to read them in and reference state associated with them, you can use
. If you want to adopt them under management of your Pulumi program to modify them, you can use
{ import: id }
. But note that you can't currently also modify the resource in the same deployment you import it - so the somewhat common thing in this case of "I want to adopt the resource and change it to be different than what it is already", doesn't have a great 1st-class answer yet. We have a few places where we've seen shelling out to
kubectl apply
work as a temporary solution. https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-kubernetes/issues/264 is tracking this. Do any of those match what you are trying to do?
Thanks for the reply @white-balloon-205, apologies for the delayed response, it was after 00:00 my time 💤 For this use case I only want to read the created resource. I.e.
If you just want to read them in and reference state associated with them, you can use
I've tried both
in my example with limited success. I'm using the https://github.com/zalando/postgres-operator to spin up a Postgres cluster and as part of that, a
is created when the cluster is created containing the database credentials. The problem is whether I use
Copy code
const databaseSecret = kx.Secret.get("<http://test.test-cluster.credentials.postgresql.acid.zalan.do|test.test-cluster.credentials.postgresql.acid.zalan.do>",
this fails at preview with a "resource ... does not exist" error. If I skip preview (
) the first time it still fails with same missing error. If I cancel that and run again, it succeeds (because the
is now created). I believe it comes down to a timing issue. The
hasn't been created by the operator by the time the code for
tries to bring it into state. Is there a way to retry for a period of time (like some other Kubernetes resources) to allow enough time for the operator to create the cluster and the resulting
I can actually get it to work from scratch with
by depending on the database cluster `CustomResource`:
Copy code
const database = new CustomResource("test-cluster", {
    apiVersion: "<http://acid.zalan.do/v1|acid.zalan.do/v1>",
    kind: "postgresql",
    metadata: {
        name: "test-cluster"
    spec: {

const databaseSecret = k8s.core.v1.Secret.get("<http://test.test-cluster.credentials.postgresql.acid.zalan.do|test.test-cluster.credentials.postgresql.acid.zalan.do>",
    "default/test.test-cluster.credentials.postgresql.acid.zalan.do", {
        dependsOn: database
and then the dependencies work out the timing issue. However, I still have to
. Is there a way to preserve the preview?