Hi guys, I need some help with provisioning cluste...
# general
Hi guys, I need some help with provisioning cluster nodes with rancher2. I have created cluster definition with one node (for know). I can connect to the cluster form pulumi and cluster is created but there are no nodes. Here is one defintion for the node:
var node1 = <ClusterRkeConfigNode>{};
node1.roles = ['worker'];
node1.user = '??'; // registry user
node1.labels = { 'frontend': 'ui' };
node1.address = '';
node1.sshKeyPath = './keys/node1.id_rsa';
After running pulumi up command (with verbose node) I can see in the log following error: I0330 140453.793631 4620 host.go:451] Error closing 'nodejs' language plugin during shutdown; ignoring: 1 error occurred: * TerminateProcess: Access is denied. I don't know where is the problem. Who is registry user?
Hey Denis, can you post your full definition for the cluster?
import * as k8s from "@pulumi/kubernetes";
import * as rancher2 from "@pulumi/rancher2"
import { ClusterRkeConfigPrivateRegistry, ClusterRkeConfigNode } from "@pulumi/rancher2/types/input";
var repo = <ClusterRkeConfigPrivateRegistry>{};
repo.isDefault = true;
repo.url = 'private_repo';
repo.user = 'dilijevic';
repo.password = 'password';
// node configuration
// const master = <ClusterRkeConfigNode>{};
// master.roles = ['controlplane', 'etcd'];
// master.address = '';
// master.user = 'dilijevic';
var node1 = <ClusterRkeConfigNode>{};
node1.roles = ['worker', 'controlplane', 'etcd'];
node1.user = 'dilijevic'; // registry user
node1.labels = { 'frontend': 'ui' };
node1.address = '';
node1.sshKeyPath = '/root/.ssh/id_rsa';
node1.sshAgentAuth = true;
// var node2 = <ClusterRkeConfigNode>{};
// node2.roles = ['controlplane', 'etcd'];
// node2.address = ''
// node2.user = 'admin';
// node2.sshKeyPath = './keys/node2.id_rsa';
const cluster = new rancher2.Cluster('lab-01', {
description: 'Pulumi playground',
driver: 'rancherKubernetesEngine',
rkeConfig: {
privateRegistries: [
nodes: [
labels: [
{ 'env': 'playground' }
you said the cluster is created, but there are no nodes - how did you verify that?
from rancher console
And stays there. I suspect there is a problem with SSH authentication. Problem is I don't know anymore where tu put ssh keys. My workstation can login to nodes and server without password and server can access nodes without password (over SSH).
you need to add your SSH key to the rancher server. When you provision a cluster with rancher2, it creates a configuration file using
which is its internal tool. This process will execute from rancher2 itself.
I believe that's the issue anyway
you should check your rancher2 logs
I have checked and redoplyed the ssh keys again. Everytinh is working and I still get the error:
I0331 11:54:27.688928    7776 plan_executor.go:219] planExecutor.Execute(...): incoming event (nil? true, <nil>)
I0331 11:54:27.689929    7776 step_executor.go:321] StepExecutor worker(-1): StepExecutor.waitForCompletion(): waiting for worker threads to exit
I0331 11:54:27.689929    7776 step_executor.go:321] StepExecutor worker(-2): worker received nil chain, exiting
I0331 11:54:27.689929    7776 step_executor.go:321] StepExecutor worker(-1): StepExecutor.waitForCompletion(): worker threads all exited
I0331 11:54:27.689929    7776 plan_executor.go:254] planExecutor.Execute(...): step executor has completed
I0331 11:54:27.689929    7776 plan_executor.go:131] planExecutor.Execute(...): exiting provider canceller
I0331 11:54:27.694930    7776 ignore.go:44] Explicitly ignoring and discarding error: rpc error: code = Canceled desc = grpc: the client connection is closing
I0331 11:54:27.698932    7776 host.go:451] Error closing 'nodejs' language plugin during shutdown; ignoring: 1 error occurred:
* TerminateProcess: Access is denied.
Can you post your rancher2 logs?