I’m creating a type of tags like this ``` readonly...
# general
I’m creating a type of tags like this
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readonly tags: pulumi.Input<{
      [key: string]: pulumi.Input<string>;
When I try to call a value in there like follows
I get error
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Property 't_env' does not exist on type 'Input<{ [key: string]: Input<string>; }>'.
  Property 't_env' does not exist on type 'Promise<{ [key: string]: Input<string>; }>'.ts(2339)
Here’s how I do it in TS:
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const baseTags = {
    Owner: config.require("ownerTag")

// Create a VPC for our cluster.
const vpc = new awsx.ec2.Vpc("kafka-vpc", {
    numberOfAvailabilityZones: numberOfAvailZones,
    tags: {
        Name: config.require("vpcName")
Not sure if that helps
I’m just trying to reference one of the tag values as a string
I just said heck with it and changed it any type