Hello everyone, I’m thinking of introducing Pulumi...
# general
Hello everyone, I’m thinking of introducing Pulumi to our company, however I still don’t understand one major thing—how do you develop your application locally?
Ussually you don't need to orchestate infrastructure locally to developn an app, but tell us what it's your use case for pulumi
Ussually you don’t need to orchestate infrastructure locally to developn an app
That’s what I don’t understand. If you migrate your current architecture to serveless paradigm where you have bunch of Lambdas and API Gateway endpoints, how do you call them during development?
E.g. right now we have cca 6 micro-services and I can simply put them up during dev on local machine
If we move to serverless arch, these will transform into tens of lambdas
My idea is that you still want to be able to somehow run them locally
Or am I missing something important in srvrlss?
@rich-easter-89163 Oh wait—do you instead push your code to cloud to a different env?
For example, with you microservices arch, do you orchestate infra locally? Probably not About serverless I think the easiest way to work for example with aws lamba is to use a framework like serverless to have a local env