Hi all. With the pulumi_docker library for python,...
# general
Hi all. With the pulumi_docker library for python, how do I declare env vars for a container?
is of type pulumi.Input[list] but i would expect it to be of type pulumi.Input[dict] to take key:value pairs for the env vars? I appreciate any help
You can pass them in like
envs = ["KEY=value", "KEY2=value2"]
Thank you so much! Maybe you can answer another question (or i can throw it back in the channel). When trying to create a simple docker container with the following code, subsequent pulumi up's always show a diff and therefore recreate containers. is this expected behavior?
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container = docker.Container(resource_name="container", image="containous/whoami",)
Results in
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~ image: "sha256:0f6fbbedd3777530ea3bedadf0a75b9aba805a55f6c5481ef0ebd762c5eeb818" => "containous/whoami"
This is expected behavior. Pulumi can't be certain of a safe "update" to the container, it makes more sense to create a new container that matches your desired configuration and replace it rather than risk updating an existing resource. The sha you see is the immutable identifier for that specific version of the image (also known as a digest), whereas pulling it by the name "containous/whoami" doesn't guarantee that the underlying container hasn't been updated in some way, and pulumi doesn't know that the underlying version hasn't changed between your deploys. If you instead do
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container = docker.Container(resource_name="container", image="sha256:0f6fbbedd3777530ea3bedadf0a75b9aba805a55f6c5481ef0ebd762c5eeb818")
pulumi is now certain that there is nothing different between the image you are asking for and the one that you have in state, and so you won't see a change and replacement.
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Updating (dev):
     Type                 Name               Status     
     pulumi:pulumi:Stack  docker-python-dev             
    image: "sha256:0f6fbbedd3777530ea3bedadf0a75b9aba805a55f6c5481ef0ebd762c5eeb818"

    2 unchanged

Duration: 1s
🔍 1
Ok got it. Thank you so much for your time and help!
👍 1