Is there a way to share resource between stacks wi...
# general
Is there a way to share resource between stacks without StackReference? I have only one resource in entire project (aws.iam.User whose credentials are used by 3rd party and it should be same for all environments) and it seems a bit overhead to create separate pulumi project and stack just to be able to get stackreference for that user in my dev/qa/prod stacks
if you know the name then you can use .get to look up the User?
so if user is not found and created by dev stack initially, qa and prod stacks will be able to get it ?
I still want to create the user from my stack
I came up with following solutions eventually: 1. created new "shared" stack in addition to dev/qa/prod 2. Added shared resource to that stack like:
Copy code
const userName = "sharedUser";
if (pulumi.getStack() == "shared") {
        const user = new aws.iam.User(userName, { name: userName });

const user = aws.iam.User.get(userName, userName);
username doesn't have to be globally unique, so I just know it statically (will take from stack config), then I don't need stack reference to grab it from output of shared stack - just do .get() like you suggested assuming that shared stack was created