Hi all, I'm putting together a proposal to use Pul...
# general
Hi all, I'm putting together a proposal to use Pulumi as our IaC tool. I see Pulumi has a tf2pulumi tool. Can that be used to translate a Terraform PROVIDER to a Pulumi PROVIDER? I assume some tool like this exists for Pulumi to have so many providers already.
Great, thanks! I'll have to give it a try
@gray-yak-9058 I am going to be recording a video, and a blog, on how to convert a provider
👍 1
@broad-dog-22463 very nice. Any time frame on that and will it will be posted on the PulumiTV YouTube channel?
yes it will be posted there - no specific timeframe - we can always jump on a call together later this week and work through a provider if you want?
I'll give it a try on my own and let you know if I need help. I'm simply writing up a proposal to use Pulumi and I want to be able to answer the question "why not use terraform as they have providers for nearly everything". I've looked through Pulumi's officially supported providers and I believe you cover everything we would need at the moment, but just want to be able to answer that question.
ping me directly if you need