Question on the languages support by Pulumi. Is an...
# general
Question on the languages support by Pulumi. Is anyone has any opinion on the support between TypeScript and Python. I’m wonder if there is still something which is working in Typescript which is not available in Python.
I used Pulumi in Python just for a little more than the quickstarts. The typing magic in the Python SDK looks like strange to me
Probably because all those types are just glorified comments, as they are only validated if you run mypy
As far as I know as of version 2.0.0 all SDKs have the same functionality.
Yeah, functionality wise they are the same.
I’ve used the Typescript and Go SDKs and they mostly work the same. There are a few methods that have slightly different names, but that’s not a big problem 🙂
Tab completion in python is still weird. In TS I get a resource's parameters at the top of the tab completion / intellisense list, in python it seems like it's every single parameter or method possible based on the type of the object in alphabetical order. @gentle-diamond-70147 maybe to comment on this?
The core SDKs (pulumi/pulumi, pulumi/aws, etc) are functionally equivalent across the different languages. You'll find the same support for config, secrets, testing, etc. in Python, Go, TypeScript, and so on. We try to be idiomatic to the language - so some function names and such might differ between the languages as an example.
The Crosswalk/extensions packages (e.g. AWSX and EKS) are currently only available in TypeScript/JavaScript, but you can build the same type of higher-level components yourself in every language we support. Our Policy SDK is currently only available in TypeScript and Python. But, you can still write policies in TypeScript/Python and apply those policies against Pulumi applications in other languages.
Any idea about the strange intellisense behaviour in python?!
Ah, interesting that it requires such a new python version. Let's wait for @microscopic-pilot-97530 then 😉
Ah, interesting that it requires such a new python version.
Might not require a newer Python version (still doing some experimentation). More to share soon.
Thanks guys for help.
@gentle-diamond-70147 do you have any lead time on Crosswalk/Extensions to be available in Python.
Don't have a concrete ETA at the moment, so at least a few months away at this point I would guess.