I am also interested in dynamic provisioners: I ex...
# general
I am also interested in dynamic provisioners: I expect them to be very useful every now and then on odd tasks, but I am finding it difficult to understand how they work, how they fit into the graph definition model (?) of Pulumi and what the developer workflow is with them. I am trying to code a dynamic provisioner (to build a
dynamic resource) and my current workflow is that I am just running
pulumi up
over an over again to see what actions Pulumi would like to take. This is a difficult way to work, it is a lot of trial and error without little insight. I would like to try to understand, in detail what resource graph my program is defining so that I can know, for example: • whether the provisioner is correctly registered on the resource, • whether the
resource method will be called when the program-defined graph will be compared to the state-stored graph, • if I succeeded in writing the program such that the provisioner is able to modify the properties of the resource (or add to its output). I am aware that there are documents that can help me with this, namely the dynamic resources section in the programming model documentation and the documentation on testing, but... there is quite a lot of information there to absorb. So, my question is this: what is the recommended workflow for developing dynamic providers? Is it possible to learn useful things about the behaviour of my provisioners code without using the
I think @white-balloon-205 is probably best placed to help you here