Hi everyone, can we run the same codegen for Istio...
# general
Hi everyone, can we run the same codegen for Istio CRDs? (from https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-kubernetes) As far as I understood, it can support any OpenAPI, any suggestions on this topic? Thanks
What do you mean by “the same codegen for Istio CRD”? You should be able to install the Istio Helm chart with helm.Chart or run istioctl to generate yaml files and deploy those with ConfigGroup. You could also create a similar set of resource definitions natively in Pulumi.
I want to generate typescript definitions for Istio API (openapi), something what this project does but with custom codegen https://github.com/marcus-sa/pulumi-kubernetes-istio
as far as I understand you are using the same approach, take OpenAPI json and compile typescript definitions (sdk) for that.
is there a way to adapt
from pulumi-kubernetes, to generate SDKs from Istio OpenAPI docs.
That’s tracked here: https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-kubernetes/issues/219 I expect we’ll work on this later this year.
cool, thanks @gorgeous-egg-16927.