Good afternoon everyone! I'm new to Pulumi, and I...
# general
Good afternoon everyone! I'm new to Pulumi, and I'm looking for baseline / best practices for organizing stacks within a pulumi project. For example: should I have a "VPC" construct in a separate file, and export the values to be made available elsewhere? I guess I'm looking for a well-architected / modular starter project. (Typescript preferred) or blog/tutorial on organization and modularity.
I came across this: However, I was wondering how you guys were handling this in the 'real world' so to speak.
The highest-level quick answer is to start with a single project and only start to consider breaking up the project when it reaches a certain level of complexity. That complexity being the time when it becomes desirable to separate the deployment lifecycle for a subset of the infrastructure. For stacks, the recommendation is to have a stack per independent deployment of the same infrastructure. The most common layout being a stack per environment. Prod, staging, dev, etc. That way you can maintain a single Pulumi program and simple pass in configs to describe the difference in the environments. I agree it would be great to have the “best-practice” project and guide and have added an item to our list of blogs/guides 🙂 I’m sure there are others who have insight here as well.
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Thanks for the feedback!
It can also be helpful to have multiple stacks per environment in cases where some infra is updated more frequently than others. For example, you might have a devVpc stack that sorts your VPC, subnets, NACLs etc and never changes, and a devWebApp stack that you can change as often as you need without risking the static network resources.
Also "ownership" can influence stack design in orgs that have multiple responsible groups. A stack per team or department might work. devKubes, devDbs, devCdn....
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Just to add a small anecdote, I started doing my kubernetes development in a single monolithic stack. I soon discovered that the frequency in which I stand-up/teardown the actual k8s cluster is drastically less frequent than the frequency of of making changes to services in the cluster. So I broke the two apart into separate stacks. I'm writing a large series of blog posts that uses that technique now.
Also, as @little-cartoon-10569suggested, ownership (and by association deployment frequency) can certainly play a role in determining which approach.
Honestly, I understand why the tutorials are all monolithic stack examples, but it is so easy to do the microstacks with the platform, it should almost be the default as I expect that people doing anything more complicated than basic deployments of single apps are going to run up against the desire (or need) to break the stacks apart.
I think people need to avoid swinging too far in the other direction! You won't want a stack per "thing" to deploy. That would be crazy. So the guidance of start with one is sound, but there should be a next paragraph that says "When you encounter <condition>, consider doing a multi-stack approach by doing <insert guidance here>".
Dave - I'd love to read your blog/tutorial when you have it available.
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I'll certainly post it here.
The pulumi parts start at the 8th post in the list